Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Okay, u might wonder after reading this, "so what is the point?" There's none really. I just feel like acknowledging all the guys I know, have known, that I've been close 2 at some point, that I hang w/, u know that kinda stuff...........

This is to and for all the guys in my life...(gosh! there are a lot of them)
If I accidently forget 2 mention u, not like u'll get 2 read is, FoRgIvE ME!!!!!

My Daddy, the best in the world. Momsie nabbed the SEXIEST man alive!! U absolutely ROCK!!!!!!

Chike, with ur cute sexy butt!!! I love U twoo mush

Hmmm, errybody wants 2 know who comes after my immediate family.... U guessed right (Nenz, Yinkz & Neef!!)

Tosan, my GuY, fAmIlY!!!!! Happy Married Life...

I feel like I'm about 2 trap myself but now I realize that there is no particular order the rest of these guys come.... lol!!!!

Pastor Dapo - You're the frankest, realest, coolest, most spiritual and prayerful dude I know, ur sooooo COOL!!! God bless You ALWAYS!!!!!
Temie ~ TnT, the #1 DJ. Everybody knows who AMP's #1 groupie is...ur d Koko. When r we going on our StArBuCkS dAtE????????
Kene E., wayo MaN!!! U need 2 QUIT calling me ur wife
Nosa ~ d day u STOP getting on my nerves, I'll give a testimony!!!
Ayo, funny guy...Wetin dey pa?
Charles aka C4, with ur ugly ass twists!! lol
KAYYYYY!!!! Kaydizzle!! My #1 guy!! CiPhEr'S BACK.................not!!! lmao
Debola - I'm WATCHING u....
Banji, My very Own Dwayne Wade
Kelvin - hmmmmmm, ur lines will work for some other chick!! Yinkz says, u can't even "wife my left leg" lmao!!!!
E ~ mmmmm...... I'll get back 2 u
Chika, the moment u quit being such a perv, I'll THINK about hooking up
Emeka .A (not d one ur thinking, Yinkz) Where are u??????
Chinedu - U grew up 2 be one Sexy man!!!!
Tolu ~ Keep ur head up joo....
Segun...mehn, really I don't understand u. But u have d biggest male butt I've ever seen!! SeXxay!!!!
Eminajulo - Chai, all I have is LOVE for u, ur too sexy for ur shirt mehn
Daniel ~ Sexy Kenyan
Hamzat ~ U and I know where my heart really is, kisses, miss u loads!!! lol
Kelechi, sometimes I think ur soo mean, then again I guess thats why ur diokpa
Chaddywaddy ~ funny guy, ur twooo cool (sexy butt)
B'atman...the HoTt "singer", how we go take do am now?
Ayome...big brother! I like u joo
Nanu!!! Nna mehn, dis guy, u never call me back oh
Eloka ~ my guy, warn ur uncle oh!!!
Desire Ude!! U're my GuY, totally!!!
Damola aka DonX, which level?
Ikhide - Please when is the wedding? My Chocolate Man!! lol
Seun ~ How did U stop calling?
Ifeanyi!!!!!! Sexy is not good enough to describe u. Hot? nah, way 2 lil'. U be fyne boi joo
Emeka. A: U_owe_me_STARBUCKS!!!!!

T O B E C O N T I N U E D.......

Friday, February 23, 2007

I KeEp mY wOrD!!

People, you know I said I was coming back later 2day for the stuvs? Well, here u go, gatta rush off to a meeting but ENJOY!!!!!

"N O L O N G T H I N G!!" --Ebosele (aka E), Kenny
"Nothing dey pa, anything wey pa na winsh" --African China, E, Yinkz, Neef, D, Ayo, Charly boi
"Nothing dey happen" -- Everyone
"I bow for the person wey no bow for u" --Kelvin
"No shaking" --Kay, Everybody

"Bonz" -- Temie, E
"Koko" --Everybody
"Pepper rinse" --Derin
"Why" --Temie, Everybody
"I dey full ground" --Me

"Which levels" -- Ayo, everybody
"Wetin dey shele" -- Ayo
"Wetin dey pa?" --Ayo
"I be fine boi na" --Tosan (aka BigT)
"Yawa don gas" --Ayo
"Kokolette" -- Me

"How far na?" --Everybody
"Stuvs" -- Nosa, Temie

CiPhEr'S bAcK!!!

Its my second day in blogsville. Pa da pa pa pa, I'M LOVING IT!!!! Something funny happened this morning. My adopted lil' sis thot I shud let blogsville know, so...

First off, It was MADDDDD windy last night mehn, I was scared oh, but thats besides d point.

Me and my girl, Neef were talking about going grocery shopping this weekend, in Sam's Club, because the FRIDGE is EMPTY!! So because I'm still not mobile, we decided we r going 2 ask Kay (my adopted brother) when he comes home dis weekend (Saturday / Sunday) OR Yinkz if she has 2 go groceries too...

So, Kay called me this morning...

dScribe: (sleepy alert) Hello? Hey Kay
Kay: Yo! Whats good mehn?
dScribe: Chillin', how far now?
Kay: I'm gettin' an oil change, just said 2 call u...I'm seeing u dis Saturday right?
dScribe: (I'm thinking Sam's Club...) Of course... (I'm also thinking, "Neef is a sweetie, she told him already")
Kay: Yeah mehn, just make sure u guys are there before 12
dScribe: (a lil' confused) What?
Kay: U guys gatta be at the spot before 12
dScribe: (still confused, still thinking Sam's Club) I didn't know we had to be there by 12
Kay: Yeah, cos its free before 12
dScribe: (MEGA CONFUSED...thinking "since when did Sam's Club start that one?") Oh...sure, I didn't know, okay sha....we'll be there
Kay: Yeah, mehn I'll finally see you this weekend! I think ima call Yinkz and tell her cos. if u guys come after 12, I can't hook y'all up, u know...
dScribe: (given up) Okay
Kay: Yeah mehn, CiPhEr IS bAcK!!!!
dScribe: (finally getting it, in shock, alarmed and thinking "Oh shoot!! I just committed 2 attending sth I have NO intention of attending!!!!") Yeah, Cipher IS back....

Lol!! Thats my lil' episode for the hour. Later today, I'm going to put up some interesting stuvs I've picked up in my daily interactions with humans....
Make sure u return, readers!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


After reading from one or two bloggers, I think I know what this is about...Its okay to complain, lol
Well, I'm pretty cysed by stuvs... a lot of CONFUSING stuvs mehn,

I just joined this group on msn - it's called "a well lighted place"...very very nice creative appeal.
I'm crazy about starbucks now, it was quite sudden. U know how weird it is when u start craving stuvs? Yeah.... but I'm in love with the Green Tea Frappuccino (there's a funny story for that one, lol.) Okay, okay...I'll tell it -

So one day, me n my girls - Neef, Nenz (my lil' sis) and Yinkz, decide we wanna get some starbucks. We arrive at the White Marsh location and I'm feelin' 4 d usual, my sis decided 2 follow suit & i placed the orders. Neef & Yinkz got marchiados.

Unfortunately, I've gotten it all twisted cuz it was mad cold outside. I asked for a Latte... it came... heres d scene -

In Starbucks, sitting down
dScribe: (to Nenz) is that my drink? Is it a hot drink (obviously it is)
Nenz: (afraid) yeah, i think its hot
dScribe: (all riled up) d Green Tea "joint" is NOT supposed to be hot, that is not my drink!!
Yinkz: (afraid & maybe embarrassed) Nwando, chill, didn't u order a Green Tea Latte
dScribe: (pushing it away) nah dawg, thats not my drink, nah mehn, I'm not drinking it mehn, I'm about 2 go tell them
Yinkz: Please don't go, instead I'll buy u a new drink
Neef: (laughing but scared) U can have my drink, I'll drink urs... Mehn your acting like Dele
dScribe: I don't care mehn, I want MY drink (to Nenz) Does it taste good?
Nenz: (eagerly) yes, yes its okay
dScribe: Okay, i'll manage it
Yinkz, Neef & Nenz: (relieved) wow, Nwando!!!!

LMAO!!! I love me, gatta go now & do some research for my boss....

Gettin' a hang of things....

This is BRAND new for me....

What do i feel? Kinda pressured, not really.... A little excited and very hopeful that this doesn't become my avenue for complaint. I want to be CREATIVE!! only...

So there goes my first blog.