Friday, March 23, 2007

About Marriage...

More from Fire Conference. This is the JUICY part.... for all the marriage candidates & hopefuls...

Proverbs 30:18

Where the devil started to MESS, (with the union of man & woman ~ Adam & Eve) thats where Jesus started to BLESS (His first miracle was the WEDDING at Cana in Galilee)

There are FIVE things that will make a marriage great.

- FOUNDATION Psalm 11:3
Marry the right person. Don't marry a man because he has television, marry him because he has a VISION; Follow your conviction. Make sure you are LED by God, the Spirit of God.
You must discover your purpose before you discover your partner. Anybody not going your DIRECTION is a DISTRACTION! Marriage is a CONVENANT not a CONTRACT! In marriage, you've got to Watch & Pray.
TRUST is an important part of the solid foundation. Forgiveness can come in an instant, trust takes a WHILE to build. One of the things that does not allow people to trust each other is if they were fornicating before marriage.

- COMMUNICATION 1st Corin. 14:7-9
Communication is NOT what you say to a person, but what the person you're talking to understands. when you stop communicating, you grow apart. The Husband and Wife should have a CONVENANT to KEEP TALKING!! No matter what.

- LOVE 1st Corin. 13, Eph. 5, Titus 2:4
Husbands and wives should love theirselves. Women should be FRIENDS with their husbands. Men should love their wives as Christ loved His church. Love GIVES & SACRIFICES. Its NOT an action, its a reaction.
There are five ways people believe to show love (Love Language).

Find out your love interest's love language. Love is an ACCOUNT, you have to KEEP IT FILLED. Gen. 1:12
The SEED of everthing is in its self. When someone plants a negative seed, KILL IT! Matt. 6 Prove to be superior by not reactive. Don't let anyone make you give what you don't have.
What usually causes trouble is "Irreconciliable differences"

Opposites attract, then it could start to disturb, but then you endure, then start to enjoy, celebrate each other & exchange these innnate qualities

- FIGHT Neh. 4:14
Fight for your marriage, for your relationships...

1 peculiar people said...:

Favoured Girl said...

You go girl, great post! You are speaking my language..... lol. My first time on your blog. I'll be back for sure.