Friday, June 22, 2007

Good morning Jesus!!!

I had a GREAT night's sleep, despite all the things that "should" be bothering me... I'm MEGA GRATEFUL!!!
Okay soo today's post is titled GoodMorning Jesus...

How many times have u woken up in the morning, first thing in the morning, stretched and said Goodmorning Jesus
Sincerely? And said Goodmorning with all your heart and meant it.

See sometimes we get so caught up with coffee, morning email, the person that slept beside us the night b4, running late to work, complaints, e.t.c, e.t.c. And we FORGET to give the most minimal form of thanks to the one who made our waking up possible.

I know, I know some people don't believe in Jesus, in God, the Holy Spirit, in the Lord of Hosts, the Unbreakable breaker, the Unshakeable shaker, the One who loves UNCONDITIONALLY, the One who forgives sins and heals EVERY wound or disease... Eyah, you don't know what you're missin; Well today is not preaching day BUT I have 2 say, God deserves all the praise - look at all the beauty around us, even in all the chaos, He still finds a way to put a smile on our faces.

You know there is NO scientific proof that God doesn't exist... if you don't believe in God who / what would you believe? -- oohhhh, I have the answer you would believe ANYTHING!! How sad... Okay lemme save the preaching for another day...

You know God likes when we praise him, he really makes Him happy. You are NOT any better than the person who died last night or the person who lost their job and got evicted or whose house got foreclosed.
You are not better than the people who were denied visas or who fell into the hands of 419ers or wicked people. You are not any better than friendless, familyless, (both not by choice), lonely people. You are not any better than the deaf, dumb, blind or crippled. All these people even find reason to say Good morning Jesus, what about you?

Go ahead, attribute your good health to the food you eat (and tell me how the food got here), attribute it to laws of nature (which were instituted by who); no, attribute it to yourself (I am a good person) LAWL... really???
Pray, lets not get into that....

So why not just say "Good morning Jesus" when you wake up in the morning. Why can't you just thank Him that your abode did not burn down the night before and the whole of Nigeria didn't catch fire the night b4. A little bit of gratitude and recognition out of your mouth will definately make Him smile.
When Jesus smiles, great things happen....

Just say it with me... Good Morning Jesus!

See it didn't hurt...

One more time, "Thank you Lord for letting me wake up hale and hearty this morning, to you be ALL the praise"

Ohhh, one more thing - VOTE FOR DSCRIBE!!!

6 peculiar people said...:

Admin UD said...

You want an honest answer: I never say that. But i say a short prayer every morning before getting up from bed.

Nice perspective, though! And how's the voting thing going!

Miss Opeke said...

I have a reason to be grateful...And I am saying with you from my end...Good Afternoon, J-E-S-U-S!!! Thank you, Jesus for everything...


Thanx for coming by my place...Ma sista, it is not easy maintaining more than one house o...decorate this and then go and decorate that...I am so tired I need a vacation to anywhere right now...But I have updated d luk now sha...

>>> Good luck on singing Rhianna's song!!!

Nkem said...

Thank you Jesus!

Indeed, we have sooo many things to be thankful for! God is so wonderful and yes, we should try to remember Him every once in a while, not only when we need something. Lovely post you got here. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I'm saying Good Night Jesus right now. Great post, girl.

BlogVille Idol said...

pls go to our page and see if u are still in d running towards being blogvilles 1st idol..if you are pls start sending in your producers choice song!if you have being eliminated,we thank you for ur time and effort...and pls write ur farewell speech to would be put on d page ..tanx PINKPEKE PRODUCTION

BlogVille Idol said...

pls if u can turn in ur song today SUNDAY pls do so..tanx