Wednesday, July 18, 2007

...aFtEr 7 DaYs

After 7 days, I decide to write more about my KoNfUsIon...
After 7 days, a lot has changed
After 7 days, I've been through soul searching, soul searching and resolve
After 7 days of comparison, reflection, maybe regret
After 7 days of admonishment, maybe punishment
After 7 days, I am still KoNfUsEd but S.U.R.E that...
After 7 days, I have one conclusion and I will NOT change it after 7 days

Okay, this is for all the concerned readers of my blog. Lemme start by saying I TRULY appreciate ur nosiness and concern hehehe...

Okay so, I was confused (was I?) about two certain fellas ...both fully MM and professing M (scroll down to see what the code means lol), but both also have certain qualities that could immediately X them from the M equation.
We are talking about spirituality, family background, errrrmmmm maybe physical appearance (including speech, toucheness vs razzness), talents, personal goals, etc etc.

I tackled my momentary confusion by dealing first with what is most importnat to me at this time concerning spending the rest of life with someone (of course I was greatly influenced by the marriage seminar at my church and the experiences I have had in my life so far)...

1. Man must be SPIRITUAL!! As in, its not a joke at all. I want someone who is SPIRITUALLY MATURE I know nobody is perfect but I can't be co-captain of a boat with a captain who leaves all the steering for me, Nope!! No can do!!! I DO NOT want any form of mediocrity regarding this matter and I WILL NOT settle. Its almost like I'm warning myself but I do know that I hate Satan and the devil certainly does not like me. So as much as these two brothers are all that and some more - physically, mentally, financially and so forth, they also GATTA be all that spiritually too. Bible talk say, "Son of Man, know thyself!" Dude must know himself VERY WELL and I must know too!
While I don't know too much about spirituality and my current potentials. I am very willing to find out.

2. All the other things come in second, so while I am not limiting myself to a focused, dedicated, hardworking, u-are-my-everything, Daddy-look-alike (it'll be nice if he had all my pop's good qualities) fella. I am also very wary of mistakes...

So I'm not so confused anymore. I am actually at peace, content and chilling.
I pray for Patience and God's leading as I continue in this valley of MM toasters... I also pray against the spirit of Error in my life and the lives of all of us!! God be with us all!!!! AMEN!!

MM - (if u didn't already figure it out) Marriage Material
M - Marriage

3 peculiar people said...:

Admin UD said...

May you find that which you're looking for :)

The experiences of an achiever....... said...

Amin ni oruko jesu!

Inuke Omotola Davis said...

I DO NOT want any form of mediocrity regarding this matter and I WILL NOT settle.

you will find jare. i like your determination. dont go below what God has in store for you!!