Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Here's to wishing EVERYONE of you a BLESSED MONTH!

I just know its going to be blessed for everyone of us. Today, I read that God's power is MADE PERFECT in weakness. Also that Eagles don't run away from a storm, they face the storm and allow the wind to make them soar high! Unlike other birds that run to hide when there's a storm.

I encourage all of us to be like the Eagle this month and face every storm with bravery, God's power and the faith that the Lord has filled us with... We CAN conquer all forms of difficulty with a positive attitude, prayer and praise!!

Have a WONDERFUL August, and let your August visitor bring loads of Goodies, Amin!!!!

6 peculiar people said...:

Admin UD said...


Ms. Catwalq said...

I choose to be an Eagle.

Anonymous said...

just saying hi!

Rinsola said...

AMEN! Happy new month to u too.

Unknown said...

We all are the soaring eagles
yes yes yes
this is a new beginning for us
and we will embrace all the good things that comes with the new month
Happy New Month Dscribe

Jennifer A. said...

Thanks Dscribe. Interesting fact about an eagle...willing to face the storm, I'm sure somewhere at the back of their intelligent minds, they know the storm will do nothing less than cause them to soar. We shd not be scared to approach the storms of our lives.