Saturday, September 15, 2007


Gosh... I don't know mehn,

I had an excellent time in Orlando, didn't make it 2 d Holy Land but we did get 2 Disney World Resort; specifically House of Blues.

I dunno mehn, It was okay, weird.... Big Tigger was MCing, Shaq was there, Collins Metu was taking pictures... And God only knows which other "stars" were present.

I shouldn't have gone.

Many people may not see this as a big deal and probably think I'm fanatical but I REALLY feel weird... I've been trying to do only things that glorify God and I'm wondering how He felt by my presence at the House of Blues... I just feel it wasn't the best way to say thank you for all His mercies...

Lord, please forgive me! I reject the accuser of the brethren in Jesus Name.


I'm confused again... I'm worried, I think. I can't talk about it now because I really should be MORE focused on other things (u probably have an idea what this new issue might be).

I'm about to call Omulu and Adia, I can talk 2 them, they can listen, pray with me and give me good advice.. Thank God for sisters!

4 peculiar people said...:

Skinny Hipster... said...

"Everything to God in prayer...what a friend we have in Jesus" U know the song I'm talking about right?

Skinny Hipster... said...

"Everything to God in prayer...what a friend we have in Jesus" U know the song I'm talking about right?

The experiences of an achiever....... said...
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The experiences of an achiever....... said...

i'm still chilling for d call o!