Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To You - (you know who you are and I hope u read this...)

Since you've given me no reason, even though I've asked. You've pratically forced me to make very very dangerous assumptions. And I will cos. I can.

I know I'm not perfect... I want to be like Jesus... Its hard but I will get there.
Right now, I am ANGRY (well, not really... but i have 2 be angry 2 post this blog well)


I think you are VERY jealous that I possess certain qualities you wish u had
You are jealous because you see that I am not jealous of what you have
and you know you are jealous of what I have

See materially, you are totally balling. I'm happy for you
Lets be real, spiritually you THINK i'm doing better...
So it bothers you

You want to be forgiving, joyful, in love with Jesus
You want to have TRUE FRIENDS (male and female)
Deep down you do...
But you can't, its not you
and you're jealous that I can

You're jealous that I love my homeland so much
And have made sacrifices so I can stay in touch with the soil
You can't make those same sacrifices
You want to, but you can't or maybe you could and pay the consequences
But you don't
So you are Jealous!

You are jealous that I can block you out with my music
Jealous that I have changed so drastically and you haven't
Because you are always right
Because everyone correcting you, hates you
Because we are ALL blinded by the same piece of cloth
woven by someone else's words or your actions

You are jealous because I am not afraid of you or anyone
You are jealous because ....
I don't even know why you are jealous

I mean, you have what you want
You are at a great place in your life!

Why do you want to keep me down with your negative air?
Why do you feel a need to do these things you do
Am I the only one who knows its wrong?
NO! ClearlyNot!

But I wish you weren't so jealous... I do because it WILL destroy you. Not me
It could destroy everything you've worked for
The more you manifest it, the more I ignore you and do you good.
The more you heap hot coals on your head and bring your generations to fiery destruction

Now, why would you want to do that?

To be continued...

7 peculiar people said...:

Skinny Hipster... said...

PROVERBS 14:30----> "A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones."

Man I LOVE New Living Translation

Allied said...

hmm... This is poignant. Why dont you tell her or him ?( but i have the feeling its a she)

Thanks for visiting my blog.

The experiences of an achiever....... said...

Allied! Allied! our own Psychologist! (lol!). hmm..pour it d scribe!! P.s- i'm going deaf courtesy of ur letting out medium! lol! i crack me up!

dScR?Be said...

LOL @ achiever! sharrap there!

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

When I started reading this, I thought it was concerning a certain young woman; but the more I read the more I see it a story about the enemy who is just so jealoussss of us and what we have. If only he could have been satisfied with "its".

Word. Loved this piece. Have a good weekend.

laspapi said...

Remember this, sometimes it takes more courage not to react than to react

Comrade said...

I guess this is what blogs are for. Letting them get a piece of your mind