Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31st

A year ago today, I lost someone I could have found to be precious.. It hurts me more cos I never met him... and I was downcast like I almost am now... I'm just wondering why good people have to die.... and I write this to encourage me and whoever else may feel this way...

When we think He can't hear us
He's not there. He can't see us
He knows
More than ever how much we need Him
So silently He, uses the gentle breeze to
dry our eyes
and He fortifies us, providing answers to our cries
healing for our hearts and strength for our weary bones

Because we cannot understand why
things appear for us so terribly different
we cannot finger our fault compared to the neighbors
We must stay trusting because
He knows
Our daily inner conflicts... more, more than we
can ever imagine
He is here. He will be here. Always.

1 peculiar people said...:

Skinny Hipster... said...

awwww iTotally forgot.....hope iWas being nice to you on that day.