Off 2 see Tayo, and other bloggers in real life...
Will see OZ after some years, and Genie hopefully
And the "guy I like"...
Will leave in flying metal gear, dressed to impress
Armed to disarm...
Praying for a favored trip...
God bless Y'all always!!!!!!!!!!
Peace, Love and God's blessings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Posted by dScR?Be at 10:40 PM 7 peculiar people said...
Monday, December 17, 2007
the Chinese Conspiracy...
What if there was a Chinese conspiracy... worldwide?
One that will affect politics, economics, science, literature, all that makes sense!
What if it was a chemically planned conspiracy... subtle, unimaginable
To attack ALL and sundry and bring embarrassmant to all
What if this conspiracy was brewed and eschewed in fabrics, textile and production?
What if the Chinese produce a fabric, chemically generated to obey scientific commands such as fade, rip, burst open, disappear...
What if at the touch of a button, the Chinese could control the world's nakedness... (seeing everything we wear is made in China.. right down to underwear)
What if? What would we do? How will that day be like??
Imagine this
New York City, Manhattan
The hustle and bustle, people up and down in fly clothes, shoes, bags, jackets. Catching the metro, in and out if stores, pricing merchandise, the lovely lady having lunch, the old ladies shopping, men in suits heading for Wall Street... everyone on the grind.
Suddenly like a flash, pink, yellow, black bodies - bare... Everyone is naked and they know it!
Someone, somewhere in the orients has pushed the sacred button!
EVERYONE IS NAKED!!!! Stark naked!!!! Abashed, confused, shocked!! All the Chinese fabric - GONE! poof! Gone! People hiding in buildings to cover nakedness, some rushing to the now empty textile stores...
The President is NAKED!
So is Condoleeza,
Babara Bush is naked!
Oprah is on t.v NAKED!
Hilary Clinton is naked!
Obama is NAKED!
Everyone in America is naked!
Except few who aren't wearing "made-in-china" fabric... who are these few? No one sees them!
Butts, arms, thighs, breasts, scars, birthmarks, various shapes, various sizes... jiggling to hide nakedness... if there was a Chinese Conspiracy!
Posted by dScR?Be at 8:15 AM 6 peculiar people said...
Labels: chinese conspiracy
Thursday, December 13, 2007
CuPiD's TeArS...
Was there ever a time I pretended, wasn't true?
You looked at me in my eyes, and forgave....
When I left you, locked you out, ignored your calls
You left messages, sent text messages
For me a coward... I knew....
You loved me, unconditionally
The love that made you wait in the rain
That made you cry, when I took you for granted
That made you sing to me, for me
Something you don't usually do...
You've broken many rules for me -
now that I think about it
I know you love me, you always have, you always will
I love you too... I just have a weird way of showing it
I love you so much
Not because of all my enviable gifts
Not because you love me
I love you because, I can't help it
I've never thought of not loving You
Loving You makes me happy....
It makes my heart beat -
My soul come alive
I am afraid sometimes, of myself
Because you are older than me, more experienced...
Can I love you like you love me
and love no one else?
I love You soooo much
Soooo much
You are MY essence
The reason I live and exist
I was made for You, Your pleasure
I love the warmth and comfort of You
I know I may NEVER be able to show my love as You always show Yours
But I want you to know, I LOVE YOU!!!!
The day I stop loving you, I will stop living - eternally
Posted by dScR?Be at 8:32 AM 25 peculiar people said...
Friday, December 7, 2007
The Surprise of God!
I was supposed to blog about this siiiiinnnceeeee........ The first sunday of this month. Our thanksgiving service in House of Praise was the BOMMMMM!!! (as these young pple say) Nway, the praise was on point, so was the preaching by Pastor Jerry Olcson (I think thats the spelling)....
We read from Mark 16: 5-6 and the topic was - "The Surprise of God"
Notes:Be not afraid. We must live a daily life with the knowledge that God delights in surprising his people. Some examples of God's surprise - Exodus 3 (Moses and the burning bush), Acts 16
Sometimes surprises are sooo big that when you see it, you will not be able to believe it just like when Peter was delievered from jail (even the people that were praying for him, did not believe that he had been rescued) I Pray that God will give us all that kind of surprise in Jesus name, Amen!
Let God be God!!!! People should NOT already or try to imagine how God will answer! Do NOT presuppose the way God will enter your situation. Don't try to figure Him out.
The surprise of God:
It is ALWAYS UNPREDICTABLE ....don't try to predict your future
It is ALWAYS UNBELIEVEABLE ....this means, it will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!
To receive the surprise of God...
Believe that GOD CAN!!
Believe that GOD CARES!! His heart
Believe that GOD BLESSES!! His grace, that He will bless you in spite of yourself
Believe that GOD SAYS!! His word
"In order to reach those who aren't being reached, you've got to be able to relate to them" Heb. 11:6, Rom. 10:10 The preacher said this when he was giving a testimony about his experience with drug dealers when he was a policeman some years back....
Posted by dScR?Be at 7:41 AM 6 peculiar people said...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
7 weird things about me
Laspapi tagged me! My first tag ever.. lol, so now that I have a little "break" off work, lemme do this...
7. I REALLY don't like hurting people's feelings even if its for their own good.
6. Chocolate makes me soooooo UNBELIEVABLY happy!!!!!
5. I speak & write in parables sometimes (too bad for you if you don't get, there are people who understand)
4. My actions DO speak louder than words
3. I am TOOOOO unselfish (its Jesus First, Others next and Myself last)
2. I look forward to marriage and having as many kids as possible (used to say ten kids... then seven now i'm thinking five... I'm DEFINITELY going to adopt when I grow olderrr)
1. I CAN and I WILL write about ANYTHING!!! (sometimes rather than talk)
Thanks Laspapi... I tag Omulu, Adia, Neef, Chizo, DaParadigm, Ozaveshe, & Yemol
Posted by dScR?Be at 9:35 AM 5 peculiar people said...
Labels: 7 "weird" ones
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Here's to wishing everyone a BEAUTIFUL LAST MONTH IN 2007!!
May God bless all your endeavors and continually bless you!
Love, Peace and God's blessings!
The Scribe
Posted by dScR?Be at 6:36 PM 6 peculiar people said...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
in my errrr.... fantasizing moments
So I was on the bus home one night after class and I was inspired to write "wedding vows"... step of faith towards marriage? maybe... or just my mind doing overtime... lol. ENJOY!
When God put you to sleep, He brought me out
and for this, I am grateful
That I searched and I found you, as you found me...
to love , protect, befriend, love.
I have found true love in you.
Because of this,
I will be your wife, your friend, your sister
your lover, your mother.
I will respect you as my head, revere you like my father
and I will love you above all else.
Today, I give you my entirety,
everything that becomes me.
Because, you and I seize to exist
Because we are reborn before all as one -
in mind, body, soul and spirit.
I love you, (first name, middle name, last name) today, always and ever...
Posted by dScR?Be at 9:54 PM 5 peculiar people said...