Thursday, March 29, 2007

SWEET RELIEF....complete?

Since Tuesday, I've "not been myself". Tried to shake it off but it became NAGGING!!!
I finally figured it out! I mean, I had to literally analyze what changed in my life, when THIS feeling started, What triggered it?

I REALLY analyzed everything from the prayers I said in the morning, to what I read in the Bible, to what I ATE, what I watched, who I talked to, what I listened to, what I was supposed to do, but didn't do, EVERYTHING!

Then when I thought I had it, I was relieved, BUT had to verify that it was truly it. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I thought it was. I felt bad cos. I had acted on my judgement. When I thought things were getting better, they got worse. I had another round of a personal scrutiny on me, my life, my spirituality, my surroundings.

I FINALLY have it! I verified and I'm NOT psychotic!! Its real. I don't know if I should do anything about it just yet. Is it something I can grow to ignore or something that bothers me SOOOO deeply. I guess we'll find out. I don't know if I feel like dealing with it now, cos. I'm not sure what the outcome will be. Don't get me wrong, I ain't never scared

Will the results be worth it though? You know how I HATE to make people sad or mad or uncomfortable. Then again, I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strenght. Is it important to me to air this out, is it important to my conscience, my surroundings? cos. I know, its not all about me... really.

Not that I'm bothered, but what should I do? I'll pray about it but gimme ur two cents please?

We'll see sha, make we sidon look @ how stuvs is gonna unfold

1 peculiar people said...:

Skinny Hipster... said...

dude.......I thought we already talked about this? GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!! lol sike if it bothers you that much TALK about it O...