Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Nothing can take my Joy away!"

YAHHH!!!! Thats my proclamation!!!

I'm listening to and they r playing one of my fav. songs -
"Almighty God my Redeemer.. my hiding place, my safe refuge, no other name like Jesus, no power can stand against You. My feet are planted on this rock and I will not be shaken......

...a part of my JoY!
Nways, one-of-the-best-things-that-happened-to-me turns the big 18 tomorrow!! So this post is dedicated to my beautiful, hot, sexy, blessed, mature, adorable, little sister!
This babe is BLESSED. I always tell her one of the things that fascinates me about her is how she reacts when people do things to irk her ... she doesn't react at all (lol) You have to PUSH those buttons NUMEROUSSSSS times before you get a reaction!

I love my lil' sister and My love, I want to be a good older sister ALL the time!
I remember some of our rare quarrels, (well, not really quarrels, just me yelling my head off most times). I also remember all our chill and gist times! Mehn this lil' sister can be PESKY sometimes! geezzzz.... u don't want 2 get her started when shes in d mood....

When we were younger, I used 2 tell her stories and she'll follow me everywhere till the story was finished! I cherish those moments, a great deal... My lil' sister can cook!!!! HA! She like trying out mede medes and shes sooooooooooooooooo intelligent and mature!
Not a talkative at all.. until u get her started (lol)

Nene, my love, I LOVVVEEEE you VERY MUCH!!! And I pray that in this 18th year, God will baptize you with His glory and lift you up to greater heights.
God will continue to protect you from destiny destroyers or destiny destroying activities. You will dwell in the presence of God all the days of your life. In blessing, God will bless you. He will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.
Academically, you will excel. Spiritually, you will be used for His glory. Indeed, your life will be a testimony and encouragement for the world. You will be great and your entire life will be worthwhile!
No wickedness of man will come near you. All that the Lord has promised you will be yours and no enemy will steal it from you in Jesus name, Amen!
People will look at you and know that indeed the Lord is good and worthy to be praised!
I love you my sweet okon! the only cockroach in my cupboard. I loovvvveeee u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I pray that you will be greater than all your peers ALL IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!!!!!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To You - (you know who you are and I hope u read this...)

Since you've given me no reason, even though I've asked. You've pratically forced me to make very very dangerous assumptions. And I will cos. I can.

I know I'm not perfect... I want to be like Jesus... Its hard but I will get there.
Right now, I am ANGRY (well, not really... but i have 2 be angry 2 post this blog well)


I think you are VERY jealous that I possess certain qualities you wish u had
You are jealous because you see that I am not jealous of what you have
and you know you are jealous of what I have

See materially, you are totally balling. I'm happy for you
Lets be real, spiritually you THINK i'm doing better...
So it bothers you

You want to be forgiving, joyful, in love with Jesus
You want to have TRUE FRIENDS (male and female)
Deep down you do...
But you can't, its not you
and you're jealous that I can

You're jealous that I love my homeland so much
And have made sacrifices so I can stay in touch with the soil
You can't make those same sacrifices
You want to, but you can't or maybe you could and pay the consequences
But you don't
So you are Jealous!

You are jealous that I can block you out with my music
Jealous that I have changed so drastically and you haven't
Because you are always right
Because everyone correcting you, hates you
Because we are ALL blinded by the same piece of cloth
woven by someone else's words or your actions

You are jealous because I am not afraid of you or anyone
You are jealous because ....
I don't even know why you are jealous

I mean, you have what you want
You are at a great place in your life!

Why do you want to keep me down with your negative air?
Why do you feel a need to do these things you do
Am I the only one who knows its wrong?
NO! ClearlyNot!

But I wish you weren't so jealous... I do because it WILL destroy you. Not me
It could destroy everything you've worked for
The more you manifest it, the more I ignore you and do you good.
The more you heap hot coals on your head and bring your generations to fiery destruction

Now, why would you want to do that?

To be continued...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

New week's resolution...

Not checking it for a week...
so help me God

Friday, November 23, 2007


my heart is beating soooooooo fast
its not excitement. its fear
and guilt
wondering why things are the way they are
and wishing that I didn't know -
what i know that has caused me to wonder why

am i your ...


i have seen what i shouldn't
been where i wouldn't
if it wasn't for this...

So I'll ask you today
and tomorrow
i'll ask you till you answer because
i want to know, still


Should be everyday, every moment, and second of our lives
Should be in our hearts, minds, systems
Should be intertwined in our existence

I am ALWAYS thankful
for my life, experiences, joys, pains
People - who have in some way or form, taught me
I am thankful for my inner being
The Holy Spirit that lives within me

I am thankful for the ability to fall and rise again
I am thankful for chocolate - cake, flavored bars, cookies
I am thankful for taco bell, starbucks, my aunt's pepper soup
I am thankful for my mommy's Oha, and EVERYTHING that she cooks

I am thankful for the love of God that surpasses ALL
I am thankful for my Daddy and Mommy
My Pastors....

I am thankful to God, for God
His awesome mercy when I'm sooo not worthy
so not worthy, he still shows mercy. Mercy

I am thankful for you that reads my blog...
Thankfulness and genuine gratitude do something for the system.. its almost unbelievable, but it works. Lord, please help me to ALWAYS be thankful

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


she doesn't want to
but she almost can't help it
she can help it
she wants to help it
she doesn't know how
help her.

it was a scratch
she hid it
it got infected
became a boil --
bubbling with pus, mucus
it burst, it healed
not completely...

you poked at it
kept poking at it
it opened again
she tried to hide it
you caught her, stopped her
its sore, almost bleeding
shes fighting it
it pains. seriously. sometimes
help her

Friday, November 16, 2007

"Someday, we're gonna get soo highhhhh"

My apologies guys.... Theres sooo much I'm supposed to blog about but I've been SOOOO busy reading my prize, hehehehehehehe..... "Bimby's Book Series", heheeheheh... syke nah, I'm saving it for the weekend, lol... nwayzzz... I had to share this with YOU all...

Who remembers Lighthouse Family? Chris reminded me of them yesterday and I'm sooooo glad he did!!!!! I grew up listenin to these pple widdout even knowing who they were.... I have to share the videos I remember... Chris sent me the link! Thank You much Chris!!!! I'm soooo happy.

Here are the links -- its "High" and "Free"

U know how it feels to find something that reminds you of your childhood -- on the way to school when I knew I hadn't done my homework.... I'll hear on the radio "I wish I knew how it would feel to be" or "someday we're gonna get sooo highhhhhh" I WANT THE CD!!!!

Okay, Have a save weekend guys and a wonderful thanksgiving! God bless you all!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

ShiLoH 2007!!

Mehn, we thank God oh...

Day 1 - We destroyed "labels" and asked God to Enthrone Our Esther and Dethrone our Haaman (deep prayer by the way)

Day 2 - We asked the Holy Spirit to deal with problem supervisors @ home and abroad; then we asked the Holy Ghost __ to break every chain that is binding

Day 3 - Wonder what God has in store... I'm excited and YOU shud be too....

Come find out at House of Praise, 6101 Moravia Road, Baltimore MD 21206

God bless you as you come!!

Monday, November 5, 2007


KeEp Ur HeAd Up,

A sMiLe On Ur FaCe &

A sOnG oF pRaIsE iN uR hEaRt...

I'm listening to P2's new album.. very nice, thanks Chris Akinwale Olley

Friday, November 2, 2007

I LOVE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JESUS, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAAYYYYYYYYYYY more than I can express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE JESUS!!!!!!!!
I LOVE JESUS!!!!!!!!!
I LOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!