Wednesday, November 21, 2007


she doesn't want to
but she almost can't help it
she can help it
she wants to help it
she doesn't know how
help her.

it was a scratch
she hid it
it got infected
became a boil --
bubbling with pus, mucus
it burst, it healed
not completely...

you poked at it
kept poking at it
it opened again
she tried to hide it
you caught her, stopped her
its sore, almost bleeding
shes fighting it
it pains. seriously. sometimes
help her

5 peculiar people said...:

Skinny Hipster... said...

dude ur def. writing my wedding wow--->without my husband knowing of course lmao

Chizoba said...

Just read ur new poem. Once again lovely, image provoking and sad. Its rare to find writers who just dont write words, but write emotions *shrug* U get it. Keep it up!

Jennifer A. said...

pus....eueuuuww...(but I just loved the way u wrote this poem, lol).

Comrade said...

A few lines that evoke more emotions than a full-length Nigerian Home video

The experiences of an achiever....... said...

perfect and nausea inducing.