Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hypocrites anonymous 1

I honestly will not call myself a "scribe" in the true sense of the word.. but i do have "scribe" tendencies

I do not speak about my writing skills, I speak of my HYPOCRITICAL tendencies...

See, there are MANY things I've done out of naivety, curiosity, sheer ignorance or just total rebellion and I have buried them deep down... so deep down that sometimes i forget... of course I've repented and never gone back to them but there is the one called "the-accuser-of-the-brethren"...

all in all... i do not claim perfection but i strive to it everyday... remembering (as hard as it is) that these "sins" have been blotted out of my heavenly record, by my heavenly Father who loves uncinditionally.. only earthly minds like mine remain scarred and it ought not to be so...

In all this, I have seemingly become a "judge"
calling people out on their "wrongs"
forgetting that I too, had baggage that stinks BAD!!

A wise friend of mine once said, "the more you cover it up, the more it will stink"
no lie... thats why theres restitution... I keep going back to myself

so i have become judge oh... preaching to the world and condemning them
so much so that some pple call me SU...
at some point I started to feel very attractive to sin
because my strive for spiritual perfection is not a silent one...

if you read this, and i have ever made you in the slightest way, to feel unworthy.... please forgive me and know that I only try to protect myself from my strong attraction to "sin" by condemning you...

I have thought several times... "happy are those, who have enjoyed a FREEEE life "of sin" after which they turn to Jesus and receive a full salvation that knows no bounds.. nothing of this world can ever interest them... kinda like New testament Paul" I have also thought, "ah me... struggling to keep my head above water... i haven't "enjoyed the world", I can't go BACK to it.. cos i don't know what "it" feels like... If i ever make a decision to "be of the world" it will be a new orientation for me.... brand new and a real step-down... in the spiritual race.."

I have often thought these things... i have also often envisioned judgment day when God will play our lives on the super huge flat screen... then the world will see my imperfections

I know i care much about my image, because i care about my message... my message that comes off as hypocritical to some, impossible to others.......

to be continued

20 peculiar people said...:

Anonymous said...

Yes ooooh!! You're deep as an ocean, oh.

- That Kenyan Guy

dScR?Be said...

thanks 4 d advice n comment, honeywell...

dScR?Be said...

i will have 2 say this... I appreciate where your comment has come from and i will also so this... My spirit is far from down.. sometimes i get pissed at myself for doing things that i ought not to have done (guilty conscience i guess) its normal abi?

But my spirit is actually boisterous and healthy... I'm been sooo joyful, surely if my spirit was down, i wudn't be abi?

I think that our strive for perfection should be a constant.. Look at Paul... he's almost like my role model.. "almost" b/c there are certainly things he did that i don't think i can do.. kinda like Timothy esp. in dis generation.

Thank you again for your words though, i appreciate.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

blue-purplish black!!! Was that hard?

Ok I might be brutal in response to your script.
I have been in your situation many times than not. I want to tell you that best was any type of religion succeeds in persuading its followers is by manipulation through fear and guilt - both of which you just expressed in your writing. I just want to chime in and say that God created you the way that you are, and understands when you are not deliberately trying to put his name to shame. If you know that you are honest and put your best foot out there, then there is no need for you to compare yourself to others or try to strive for perfection.
Fear and guilt suck, and those are two emotions you wanna distance yourself far away from. Instead if those, focus on God's love and his thought for you, and you will do just fine in your life. Hope I made some sense. Goodnight I wan crash... God bless!!

Skinny Hipster... said...

iAgree with Yemi-we're not perfect and like you said "I do not claim perfection but I strive to it everyday" that's all that really matters. We can't be perfect in a day. We have to fall and rise you and now that you are aware of your flaws...WORK ON IT MAMMA!!

Ms. emmotions said...

left deep in tots.....

' will def be back

Jennifer A. said...

If God decided to play my own life's story on the judgment day, then the world would def see my imperfections and my past hideous sins!!! Hmmm...

That's why Christ died for you and me, once...and that one time alone he whispered these words, "it is FINISHED." I no longer look back, and I know I've been forgiving...

Sometimes I feel like u do in terms of having "not" experienced the world like others, so I have nothing to "go back to" per se, but guess what all of my so-called "little" sins are not so little in the eyes of God. Being lustful without actually doing the "act" is still the same as doing it, or lying is the same as murder in the eyes of God.

Jennifer A. said...

I enjoyed reading this btw...(lol). Liberating to know sometimes that we are not perfect, and that the blood of Jesus has the power to wash us clean again and again...

dScR?Be said...

thanks JAYCEE!! much LOVE!!


I'm not sure what is up, but I will definitely say that noone is perfect. That being said, those who try to steer people on the right path will always be accused of being hypocrites. Where am I going with this? I don't know. But I will say, that your words have been insightful to me and, well, I hope to read more.

Take care and stay absolutely blessed.


Allied said...

Jaycee took thw words out of my mouth..

Anu boy said...


i somehow agree with Jaycee... but mehn...
if you have accepted Christ, then why bother about your past...
its now a new life with Christ...

Anu boy said...


i somehow agree with Jaycee... but mehn...
if you have accepted Christ, then why bother about your past...
its now a new life with Christ...

dScR?Be said...

Christ has forgotten, people haven't.. thats when it gets a bit difficile

shhhh said...

interesting self analysis

For the love of me said...

Yes we are not perfect but certainly we must strive toward sit, running the race with perserverance and leaving the weight behind that so heavily besets us.(I know I didnt exactly quote that right but I'm sure you know what I mean.)
Be blessed.

Nollege Wizdumb said...

I didn't intend on leaving a message but to support For the Love of Me, no one will ever be perfect but we shouldn't succumb to our imperfection, we have to fight it everyday. The day a neighborhood says that crime is part of life and gets rid of police, that very day is the beginning of its demise. I know you already know this Scribe, just felt the need to remind you of it.

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